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Altberg Panama jungle boots on anti-poaching patrol in the Congo

Panama boots used by anti-poaching rangers

  • 29 June 2021
  • Author: Joe Willis
  • Number of views: 1966
Altberg Panama jungle boots on anti-poaching patrol in the Congo

Altberg's Panama jungle boots have been used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by anti-poaching rangers since 2017.

We recently received another order for jungle boots along with an email from the project manager of the Garamba park — one of Africa's oldest national parks and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The manager said: "Rigorous trials of several different manufacturers' boots have been conducted since 2016, but the standout success was the Altberg Panama and since 2019 use of Altberg boots in the Garamba has more than proved their worth — and they have become standard issue to all deployable field rangers."

The Garamba is a mosaic of dense tropical forest, savannah, and grassland habitats, situated in the north east corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Despite regional instability, the Garamba is a stronghold for the largest population of elephants and the last remaining population of critically endangered Kordofan giraffe in the country.

The Garamba's 280 rangers protect the landscape and wildlife through a combination of long foot patrols, hilltop surveillance posts and vehicle checkpoints.

The harsh terrain and climate make it a difficult and dangerous job.

A report in 2018 found that 13 rangers have been killed in 56 shoot-outs in the previous three years and 256 elephants had been killed for their tusks. 

Elephants in the Garamba. Photo: Nuria Ortega/African Parks Network.

For more information on Garamba National Park, click here.

You can also visit their Instagram page here and Facebook page here

For more details on Altberg's Panama jungle boots, click here.  

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