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Classic Jorvic hiking shoe now available in two fittings - medium and wide

Jorvic hiking shoe available in two fittings

  • 7 July 2021
  • Author: Joe Willis
  • Number of views: 2312
Classic Jorvic hiking shoe now available in two fittings - medium and wide

The Jorvic urban hiking shoe is Altberg's top selling shoe.

As a result, wide fitting has been added to the factory stock holding.

The first production G wide fitting Jorvic for stock holding sold out within ten days — and more Jorvic shoes are now in production.

The Altberg bootmaker said: "During the pandemic demand for our Jorvic shoes has increased.

"I think this is because more people are doing short walks in urban and rural environments, and the Jorvic is an ideal combination for everyday around town use, as well as short, five to six mile rural walks.

"Mr father developed the Jorvic in 2012. It uses the same tried and tested materials and components as our lighter weight hiking and military boots.

"Nowadays, most outdoor hiking shoes are based on training shoes, and are made from fabrics and nylons/plastics.

"The Jorvic is a classic-designed, leather shoe which can be maintained and continues to look good, and retain its functional qualities of support and water repellence for much longer."

Ivor the Boneless

"Jorvik is the Viking name for York, captured in 886AD by Ivar the Boneless, who had a brother with an even more descriptive name of Sigurd Snake in the Eye.

"However, before the time of Ivar a different type of Viking had already settled in Swaledale.

"In Upper Swaledale, where my mother's family have lived and worked for generations the old Norse language is still evident in the place names and dialect."

For details on the Jorvic shoe, click here.  


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